The Wide Awakes are an open-source network who radically reimagine the future through creative collaboration. A community of voices that welcome the ideas and membership of all as we grow this movement to create a new culture together in pursuit of liberation of mind, body, and spirit. Wide Awakes arm people with the knowledge and power to exercise their right to vote in 2020.
I was brought on to the movement in order to create a bandana design for the polictical movement. The orginal concept derived from a converstion that I was having with my brother (Arturo Padilla) about our igneous roots and the commication of our ancestors; And meaning behind the bandanna translating from the sun being the center point and each corner is a compass, North, West, South and East. Taking the concept from the orginal bandana and blending it in with symbolism and graphic commication of Wide Awakes movment.
Programs In Use:
Adobe Illustrator
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